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Member of the Month: April 2021: Robyn Phillips

April member of the month goes to Robyn, who has been one of the most consistent zoomers through the last lockdown and has transformed her movement and strength over the past few months as a result of her hard work and commitment. Even on days when she couldn't make class, Robyn would do the workout on her own and she completed the Open for the first time this year in the foundations division, setting herself a benchmark for 2022. Robyn did her foundations course at the very beginning of last year, and was a bit nervous to start mainstream classes but got into a consistent routine of 2 sessions a week before the first lockdown and came straight back when we reopened in the summer. In the more recent lockdowns, Robyn really came into her own; focusing on quality of movement and consistency, and she has come on leaps and bounds! Here’s what she had to say when I asked her about her TIO experience to date:

How did you first get involved with TIO? My good friend and exercise buddy, Lise, suggested that we try CrossFit. I thought it was too far beyond my abilities but also knew that I wanted to get some weights and resistance type of exercise into my life. The thing that enticed me to TIO was the outdoor setting. What’s your most memorable CrossFit moment so far? I loved the TIO birthday party in the Summer. That was my first taste of anything like competition and the atmosphere was amazing. TIO members are such a supportive and inspirational bunch of people. I have also enjoyed taking part in the virtual CrossFit Open recently. Hopefully next year I can experience the in-person version. What’s your favourite workout/movement? Deadlifts are my current favourite movement. I love workouts where we build to a max weight. It blows my mind to see how much some people can lift. ...and your least favourite? It used to be burpees but I have done so many of them in lockdown that I feel slightly better about them now. The Overhead Squat wins the least favourite award for me. I can’t seem to move at all once I am holding any weight overhead. Something (read ‘another thing’) to work on! What’s your number one CrossFit goal this year? A strict push up. I am getting closer. Also I can’t wait to master handstands. A handstand up against the wall would be a major achievement for me. I have been 5’11’’ tall since I was 13 years old and my rapid growth hampered my youthful handstand abilities. Mastering them now will be fulfilling a childhood wish. What do you do when you’re not at the gym? I am an Osteopath. Covid closed the premises I was working from, so I have been working from home in a clinical role for NHS Test & Trace since May last year. In the past few weeks, I have gone back to seeing Osteopathy clients in person in a new location and I am loving it. When I am not working or at CrossFit, I can be found spending time with my husband and 2 young teenagers or out in Richmond Park doing some form of exercise with friends. One thing people might not know about you is... I believe in Moving Every Day, outdoors if possible. I am in my fifth year of exercising daily. I do believe in rest, but I don’t think that bodies are designed to be sedentary. A rest day usually involves a walk, a leisurely bike ride or yoga. The key for me is having a variety of activities. I regularly walk, swim, cycle, run, do yoga - and attend CrossFit classes. I am so thankful to have Richmond Park on my doorstep, especially through multiple lockdowns. And I am grateful to have found CrossFit. It pushes me out of all the other comfort zones I have created for myself. Thanks Holly! If you could give a new member one piece of advice, what would it be? There is always a scale that is doable 😊. I remember multiple times reading the workout of the day and thinking there is no way that I can do that. Mostly I couldn’t (yet) but there was always a scaled version to start progressing from. Robyn, you are brilliant and your attitude and consistent hard work is paying off. Handstands here we come! Look forward to seeing your fitness gains over the coming weeks and months.

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